Thursday, November 10, 2011

November 10, 2011

So, tomorrow we head back to the hospital.  He was supposed to be readmitted last week, but one of his blood counts wasn't quite high enough yet.  We enjoyed the extra time at home.  We are praying that his counts will be where they need to be to get this last round started tomorrow.  We have to be there at 8:30 tomorrow morning.  They will draw blood to get his counts and then if they are good he will be sent down to where they will place his temporary line (he will be put to sleep for this).  Once the line has been placed they will get things in order to get him admitted, put in a room, and get his LAST round of chemo started!!!  Please pray for us tomorrow, that everything will go smoothly.  Also, Jackson can't eat anything tomorrow until his procedure is over, and he will be very hungry and grumpy.
Finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel,
Erik and Alyssa

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